It’s one thing to hire a remote developer, and it’s a completely different thing to hire a remote developer for a startup. Startups typically have limited resources, and founders need to be extra conscious of where they’re investing their time and money.

But good developers are easy to come by, right?

Wrong. Developers are easy to source because of the popularity of their field right now, but finding the right one for a budding business is complex. This guide is specifically for startups looking to hire the best remote developer.

What do you need a remote software developer for?

The first step in hiring a remote software developer is to understand your needs. For that, you have to outline the project requirements, technical skills, and experience level you’re expecting from your hire.

Document the Project Scope

Are you building a mobile app, a website, or a specific software tool? What will be their tasks and responsibilities? Create a written document based on your analysis of the situation.

Specify Required Skills

Identify the specific programming languages, frameworks, and tools the developer needs to know. For example, if you need a web developer, you might look for skills in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and React or Angular.

Determine Experience Level

Decide on the level of experience required. Do you need a junior developer, someone mid-level, or a senior developer? This depends on the complexity of the project.

Fix a Budget

Determine how much you’re willing to pay. Remote developers can be more affordable than local developers, but rates vary based on experience, location, and expertise.

Consider Time Zones

Since the developer will be remote, consider how much time zone differences will impact communication and deadlines. Decide if you need someone in a specific time zone or if you’re flexible.

Which is the best place to find remote developers?

There are several ways to find remote software developers. Here’s how to go about it:

Job Boards and Websites

Websites like Upwork, Toptal, and Stack Overflow Jobs are great places to find remote developers. You can post your job listing and receive applications from qualified candidates here.

Freelance Platforms

Freelance platforms like Fiverr or Freelancer have many experienced software developers available for short-term or long-term projects. You can browse profiles, read reviews, and hire developers directly.

Social Media

LinkedIn is a great option. You can search for developers by skills, experience, and location.

Developer Communities

Online communities like GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Reddit have active groups of developers. Engaging with these communities can help you find talented developers who are open to remote work.


Friends, colleagues, or other business owners might know skilled developers who are looking for remote work opportunities.

How can you evaluate remote developers?

This is a very critical part of the process. You need to ensure that the developer has the skills, experience, and work ethic you need.

Review Resumes and Portfolios

Start by reviewing the resumes and portfolios of the candidates. Look for relevant experience, education, and examples of past work. Pay attention to projects similar to the ones you have in mind.

Conduct Technical Interviews

Prepare coding challenges or questions that mirror the tasks they’ll be working on. You can conduct live coding interviews, proctored esams, or ask candidates to complete a take-home assignment.

Assess Soft Skills

Since the role is remote, strong communication skills are crucial. During the interview, assess how well the candidate explains technical concepts and responds to questions.

Test for Cultural Fit

Discuss the candidate’s work style, values, and preferences to see if they gel with the existing team and their culture. Try to identify a developer who is not only technically proficient but also a good communicator with a positive attitude.

How to extend an offer to a remote developer

There are extra steps in extending an offer to the chosen developer. Here’s how to make the offer:

The Offer Letter

Draft a formal offer letter that outlines the terms of employment. Include details such as the job title, start date, salary, benefits, and any other relevant information. Be clear about the expectations and responsibilities.

Discuss Compensation

Ensure that the salary or hourly rate is agreed upon and that the candidate understands how payments will be made.

Clarify Work Arrangements

Since this is a remote position, discuss how work will be structured. Clarify the working hours, communication methods, and tools that will be used. Make sure the candidate knows how to access the resources they need.

Review Legal Requirements

Depending on the candidate’s location, there may be legal requirements to think of, such as taxes, contracts, and labor laws. Ensure that the offer complies with both your country’s laws and the candidate’s country’s laws.

How do you onboard a remote developer

Proper onboarding helps the developer get up to speed quickly. Here’s how to onboard the developer:

Tools and Resources

The developer should have access to all the tools and resources they need, including project management software, code repositories, communication tools, and any other relevant systems.

Meet the Team

Schedule a meeting to introduce the developer to the team. This helps them feel welcome and understand who they’ll be working with.

Set Expectations

Clearly outline the project goals, timelines, and deliverables. Make sure the developer knows what is expected of them and when. Regular check-ins can help keep the project on track.

Schedule Training

If there are specific processes or tools that the developer isn’t familiar with, provide the necessary training. This can help them get up to speed more quickly and reduce the learning curve.

Set up proper channels

Set up regular communication channels, such as weekly meetings or daily check-ins, to stay connected with the developer. This helps ensure that any issues are addressed promptly and that the project stays on track.


This guide isn’t meant to be replicated exactly as is.

Different startups have different priorities–and you might not be inclined to do everything exactly as has been outlined here. That’s fine.

This is a guide to what needs to be a DIY project. This is to ensure that you’ll be halfway there the moment you decide to take on a new developer in a remote role.