
Hire, pay and equip
employees in India, effortlessly.

India is everyone’s top choice to build an overseas team in. It has a vast number of skilled tech and creative talent. With advanced infrastructure and English proficiency, communication is smooth. The time gap makes it ideal to guarantee 24/7 productivity. Additionally, India's supportive government policies and incentives attract foreign investment.

image related to Hire Expertly Vetted Global Talent — Deeply Skilled and 45% More Affordable
icon related to 265 mil

265 mil


icon related to $1 = INR 84

$1 = INR 84


icon related to 10-15 Days

10-15 Days


icon related to 9.5 Hours

9.5 Hours

Time Difference
With New York

Why India

Why India

Changing image

Unbelievable talent pool

India has a large pool of highly skilled tech professionals, with nearly 1.5 million technical graduates annually. India is where all the top companies–Facebook, Google, or Microsoft– began building global teams.

World-class institutions

There are 166 Institutes of National Importance and premier institutions like IITs and IIMs, schools that are in the same league as anywhere else in the US and Europe.

English-speaking population

India has over 265 million English speakers, making work life really seamless for international businesses.

Youth population

With more than 65% of the population under 35 years old, India offers a dynamic workforce ready to drive future growth.

Future workforce

India's median age of 28.4 years indicates a competitive advantage in the global workforce, with a projected increase of around 24.3% by 2030.

Ready to build your India team?

The world turns to India for creativity and comfort. It is the birthplace of four major religions but its mainstay is relentless hustle. Even when the going gets tough, Indians are warm, welcoming, and ready to chase dreams.

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